After installing the app, you first have to login with your usual moodle credentials.
Course Selection
After logging in successfully, you can select courses that you want to incorporate in your plan. To assign a color to a course, you can use the three dot menu.
If everything worked as intended so far, you should be able to see the dashboard now. Here you can see the assignments you set out to do today. If you want to see how close to done you are this semester, you can take a look at the status overview. Your test dates can be found in the test overview section.
Here you can incorporate your assignments into the calendar via drag and drop. The three point menu in the top right is for adding new assignments.
Plan mit geöffnetem Modulpopup
Module Overview
You can switch between the plan and calendar views by using the arrow in the top left corner. The overview shows which assignments are due in which months.
Here you can select your preferred language, theme and courses, as well as leave us some feedback to report bugs or suggest features.
Seite mit Einstellungen
All of the most important information is shown within the dashboard. Today's tasks shows which modules are planned for today. Status overview displays your current progress. Exams shows upcoming exams - duh.
Main page
Course Colors
Should you fancy a different color or label for a course, you can change it by pressing the three dot button to open the course colour/label popup. To submit the changes, you have to press Confirm in the bottom right corner.
Color Picker
On every page (besides Login and Select courses), there's a bell icon with which you can open the notifications popup. There you can see invites for plans other people sent you and other notifications.
the part of the navbar with the notification bell
notification popup with a notification within
Open Module in Moodle
All assignments that are displayed in the app can also be opened in Moodle. To do this, you have to perform a right-click on top of the assignment and then click Show on Moodle.
popup for "show in moodle"
  • Green: Assignment was positively graded
  • Yellow/Orange: Assignment was handed in, but hasn't been graded yet
  • Red: Assignment is overdue or was negatively graded
  • Grey: None of the above
status overview with the number of finished, handed-in, negative and to be done assignments
Invite Friends
First you click Members:
context menu of the plan
Then click Invite Users:
context menu of the plans within the tab "Members"
And finally click Invite on the correct profiles. Furthermore, you can search for your friends via the searching bar.
popup with search bar for inviting friends
Change Plan Name
After clicking the current name of the plan (in this case "Plan for Max"), it should transform into an editable text field.
context menu of the plan, with the plan name in editing mode
Module Overview
You can switch between the plan and calendar views by using the arrow in the top left corner. The overview shows which assignments are due in which months.
assignment overview
  1. At Alpha v0.0.0, you can check for updates.
  2. Below that, you can clear the application Cache, so it runs smoother.
  3. You can delete your profile at Delete profile.
  4. The last one, Credits shows the credits.
Course Selection
Here you can search for courses and add or remove them to/from the app. The three dot menu does the same thing as the one in Course selection at the beginning.
course selection
You can change the look of the app by selecting different themes. Pick the one you like best 😊
Here you can pick the type of feedback you'd like to send to us. Type your thoughts into the text field below and submit them by pressing Submit.
Die Rückmeldebox mit geöffnetem Typenpopup
  • The year has to be present e.g. (21/22)
  • If this is NOT present, the course won't show up in the app.
Grading key (optional)
Grading keys, the overall grade and other important information should be present in markdown syntax and be marked with "[INFO]" in the respective courses. Example:

# Grading key

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia,

## Overall grade

- A: x%

- B: x%

- C: x%

- D: x%

- E: x%

- F: x%

## Assignments

- A: x%

- B: x%

- C: x%

- D: x%

- E: x%

- F: x%
Assignments have to be tagged to make the LB Planner work. The tag can be capitalized or not and at any point in the assignment's name, but they have to be in square brackets.
Non-compulsory practice assignments for basic learning material have to be marked with "[M]".
Not all subjects have such assignments.


[M] Ü 6a.0: Generic Stack
Basic Modules
Basic assignments have to be marked as "[GK]"


[GK] Ü 6a.0: Generic Stack
Extended Modules
Extended assignments have to be marked as "[EK]"


[EK] Ü 6a.0: Generic Stack
Exams / Tests
Exams and tests have to be marked as "[SA]" or "[Test]".


[Test] Writing exam


[SA] Grade 2nd Test
Not visible to students in the app
If no tag is used within the assignment's name, it won't show up in the app.
To present an assignment overview in the app, assignments should contain a SUGGESTED hand-in date (see screenshot).
Settings for the assignment deadline
Estimated work time
An estimation of the time needed to complete the assignment should be appended to the end of its name. It has to be formatted in hours, with the trailing h, after a dash between two spaces. Please use a point as the denominator for floating-point numbers.


[GK] Ü 6a.0: Generic Stack - 4h


Ü 6a.0 [GK]: Generic Stack - 4.5h


Ü 6a.0: Generic Stack [GK] - 0.5h
Additionally, you have to regard some important rules when grading assignments. Those either have to be graded with the appropriate status (not fulfilled, GK sufficient,GK complete, EK sufficient and EK complete) or with ascending points or percentages.
  • These tags shall NOT be mixed ([GK] / [EK]).
  • Quizzes (study progress evaluations; selfchecks,...) have to follow the same rules.
  • Deadlines have to be set for each assignment to make the assignment overview work properly.
  • Append estimated time to complete to the end of the assignment name.
  • Grades from 1 to 5 as Points (1/5, 2/5...)
That can't be correctly parsed by us and would cause problems for the app.
How can I plan with my friends?
First you have to login and go to the calendar page. There you click the three dot menu:
Calendar with context button, marked in red
Now you should be able to see this window, where you click on Members:
Context menu of the plan with tab "Members" marked in red
Now you press Invite users
Tab "Members" inside the context menu with button "Invite users" marked in red
and search for the wanted profile within this popup. When you've found it, press Invite. The person in question will receive the invite as soon as possible.
popup for plan invites
What happens to my plan when I join another one?
When you join another plan, your current one gets deleted. There's a dialogue window warning you before that happens though.
What happens to a shared plan when I leave it?
You get a copy of the shared plan and can use it separately afterwards.
Do teachers have access to my plan?
Teachers don't have any access to your plan or overall progress.
Who can track my plan?
Only peers who you share your plan with can access your plan. If you plan alone, nobody can see or change your data.
When are new features coming?
We continously develop new features and fix bugs, but there's no roadmap yet.
Will a new learning office planner be implemented?
We want to add this system at some point, but there's no time estimates for when this will happen.
How does my current status get calculated?
Your current status is composed of all assignments of the courses you selected. Here, we look at how many assignments are graded, handed in or overdue.
status overview with the amount of graded, handed-in, negative and to be done assignments
Can I have more than one plan?
You can only have one plan, regardless if it's shared or not.
How can I give feedback to LB Planner?
In the settings section, there's a feedback form for bug reports, feature requests and more. You can send it after choosing the type of feedback and entering some text.
settings with feedback box marked in red
Alternatively, you can write us a mail at lb-planner@tgm.ac.at.
Why is the app detected as malware?
LB Planner is detected as malware because we cannot sign the application. Singing an application can cost up to 500€ per year, which is too expensive for a non-profit project. However, you can trust us to not have any malware included in our software 😉. If you don't, you can check out the source code on GitHub.

To install LB Planner regardless, please follow these steps below:

On Windows
  1. Open LB.Planner.Setup.exe
  2. Click on More info
    Windows protected your PC
  3. Click on Run anyway
    Run anyway

On macOS
On macOS the app can be installed but not opened. Please follow the guide from Apple to open the app.